A Marble Stone (Poem)

A cold, unfeeling marble stone
That’s all there is for the soldier unknown
Lost in a graveyard as big as the sea
My love comes looking but won’t find me
Because all I have is a white marble stone
And all it says is “soldier unknown”

I fought like the heroes, we were the same
But I got no medal, they don’t even know my name
I was just one body in an ocean of death
Just one warrior who took a dying breath
I got no honors, nothing to show
Just this marble stone, white as snow


The birds still sing, and red poppies grow too
Here underneath a sky so blue
People come visit their loved ones lost
They mourn for their friends, for war’s horrid cost
But no one comes here to my stone
The plain marble one that says “soldier unknown”

There is just some numbers, a random date
The day when I couldn’t escape my fate
The day the guns got me and many others too
I knew I was done, there was nothing to do
We all fought hard, every one of us here
We fought for freedom, we fought with no fear


But no one knows that, they pass me by
They don’t turn their head, salute, or cry
They don’t know what I did, how I gave my life
So they could be free and live without strife
Because my stone is blank, my marble stone
Because I am a soldier unknown

Years go by, my stone’s breaking down
It’s weathered and worn, barely noticeable now
My love has long stopped coming, and couldn’t find me
Now I’m really alone, and I always will be
Here underneath this cold marble stone
A nameless hero… a soldier unknown

A Poem by M.B. Henry

All photos by M.B. Henry.  Find more in my photo gallery.   

7 Comments on “A Marble Stone (Poem)

  1. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to the brave unknown soldier. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

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